We Rise: Our new campaign launches with a mass organizing call — and calls to action

On March 18, we launched Dayenu’s new campaign: We Rise: Climate, Jobs & Justice for All! If you missed the mass organizing call, you can watch the recording

The call featured powerful music from Batya Levine, inspiring words from activist Noé Granados and Rabbi Laura Bellows, and many calls to action.

As Rabbi Jennie Rosenn noted during the call: “When things are so bad, it’s hard to see the potential for change. But critical work can still happen. Cities and states can still deliver good, green jobs, lower energy bills, and environmental justice to every community… Ma’alin ba-kodesh v’ayn moridin, once we set out upon a holy path – toward a clean energy future – we rise, we do not descend.”

NOW WE RISE! Choose your action opportunity

We hope you’ll find a way to get involved in our efforts to rally to protect the good (investing in clean energy solutions) and prevent the bad (rollbacks of crucial wins and slashing of vital regulations and programs).

PHONEBANK CLIMATE VOTERS: Join us to call Pennsylvania voters on March 24 ahead of a special state legislative election.

STATE CAMPAIGNS TO MAKE POLLUTERS PAY: Check out our toolkit and let us know when you’re ready to jump in.

SAFEGUARD CLIMATE ACTION & CHALLENGE AUTHORITIANISM: Our toolkit has everything you need. Let us know if you’re interested in next steps

CALIFORNIA: We are making Polluters Pay. Connect with us by filling out this form.

NEW YORK: Keep up with our campaign to Fund Climate Justice.

MUSICIANS, ARTISTS, CULTURAL ORGANIZERS: Our work is to build the mishkan – the holy container – of this movement. Learn more and join us.

COLLEGE STUDENTS: Bring Jewish climate justice to campus! Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.

START A DAYENU CIRCLE: Let us know your plan or email [email protected].

JEWS OF COLOR CAUCUS: Join the JOC storytelling training on March 30.

Please be sure to keep up with us all over the country; check out the full list of upcoming events.

Every day, we feel the urgency to take action for our communities, and future generations. We cannot cede our future – and our power – to the fossil fuel industry. 

Join us to rally with all our strength, spirit, and strategy.

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