Chutzpah is Dayenu’s signature effort to mobilize climate-concerned voters, and ensure every policymaker has the chutzpah to deliver urgent action on climate.

In partnership with the Environmental Voter Project, Dayenu volunteers phonebank and knocked on doors in the weeks and months leading up to key state and national elections.

CHUTZPAH volunteers in action

Interested in participating in our voter outreach efforts? Check out our upcoming events page or sign up for our mailing list to be notified about future opportunities to get involved.


1. Mobilize Jewish climate activists to contact voters in key states; targeting people who are unlikely to vote, who care about the climate, and who may be facing barriers to voting.  

2. Lift up the climate stakes of key elections to voters – especially Jewish voters, candidates, and elected officials.

3. Ensure that every candidate and policymaker has the chutzpah to deliver urgent action on climate.  

Learn more about our to the 2020, 2022 and 2024 efforts.


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