Together, we can educate, engage, and mobilize the Jewish community to take climate action, move billions in Jewish
communal assets away from fossil fuels toward clean energy, and leverage our congregations’ and organizations’ power as
clients and customers to urge the largest banks to stop financing coal, oil, and gas.
Dayenu offers a roadmap for moving investments from fossil fuels to clean energy. The six-step process is designed to transform our institutions, congregations, and organizations, and raise a powerful voice for climate action. Each step is key to maximizing our collective impact.

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Host a Community Conversation
Let us know if you're planning to host an Earth Day Community Conversation in April and join our Winter-Spring Cohort of Organizers and Change-Makers who are bring the roadmap to their Congregations or Jewish Organizations.
- Report: “WITH ALL OUR MIGHT: How Jewish Community Can Invest In A Just Livable Future.”
- Jewish Text Study (Reishit Chochma)
- Banks Research Worksheet (Cheshbon)
- Investment Research Workbook (Cheshbon)
- Bank Info Template Request (Cheshbon)
- Community Conversation Sample Run-of-show (Limmud)
- Community Conversation Toolkit (Limmud)
- Jewish Communal Leadership Meeting Guide (Limmud)
- Bank Engagement Letter (Sicha)
- Checklist for Media Planning (Sicha)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Fossil Fuel Finance Key Terms
- All Our Might Playlist
office hours
Office Hours are in-person support for anyone preparing to organize community conversations this spring. Please fill out the Interest Form to receive a zoom link / calendar invite.
Office Hours are held every other Wednesday at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT.
Jan. 25: Getting Started
Hosting your first two Core Team meetings + How to Research Your Bank & ID the Decision Makers in your Organization
Feb. 1: Beyond the Count (8-9:30 pm ET / 5-6:30 pm PT) Join us for a special event in lieu of office hours to support equity and anti-racism in our organizing work. (Open to all, Register Here.)
Feb. 8: Roadblocks & Regional Cohorts
Group coaching and problem solving for those who are hitting roadblocks + explore whether to invite other congregations from your region to join you in this work.
Feb. 22: Planning Community Conversations
We’ll provide support as you begin to plan for community conversations for Earth Day 2023
March 8: Engaging Your Bank / Telling the Story
We’ll talk about how to make sure your work has an impact, and we’ll strategize together about how we can tell our story through press and other media.
March 22: Coaching for Community Conversations / Shareholder Season
Drop by for support as you plan your community conversations or strategize how to engage with your bank during shareholder season.
March 29: Coaching for Community Conversations
Group coaching and problem solving for those who are hitting roadblocks.
April 19: Coaching for Community Conversations & Op Eds
Group coaching and problem solving for those who are hitting roadblocks as they plan community conversations and/or draft op-eds.
May 3: Debriefing, Next Steps, and Coaching Continued!
If you’ve already hosted your Community Conversation or published your op ed, come tell us how it went! If you’re still working on those items, come hear from folks who’ve just successfully done it, and get coaching and support. We’ll wrap up these office hours by discussing next steps / where to go from here.
General questions about this campaign or how to get involved? Please email info [at]