Call your Members of Congress to demand clean energy, good jobs, and justice.
Images from 16 Hear the Call actions across the country.
As climate disasters intensify across the country, politicians in D.C. are haggling over a sweeping economic recovery bill. If we raise our voices, this bill could deliver jobs, justice, and game-changing action on climate. But only if we can demonstrate broad, public support.
Throughout the month of Elul (August and September), as Jewish communities prepare for the High Holidays, Jewish Americans showed up at their Senator’s doorsteps to call them to action with the blasts of the shofar. Through these public-facing actions, we aimed to give our Senators the courage and moral clarity they need to pass this bill.
Check out our Action Planning Toolkit or email to learn about the type of support Dayenu can provide.
This may be our last, best shot to ensure a livable future. For our children, and our children’s children, we won’t let this moment pass us by.
Learn more about what a just, green recovery for America means →