MORE THAN ANY OTHER ISSUE, America’s Jews care about climate change. So from Toronto to Fort Lauderdale, from Los Angeles to Boston and from Portland, Oregon, to Denver, Colorado, and Columbus Ohio, Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action and allies are holding 21 public rallies across the country to call on the leading investors in fossil fuels to take urgent climate action this Passover.
These actions are part of Dayenu’s All Our Might campaign to end the era of fossil fuels and build a clean energy future.
Bill McKibben, author, educator, environmentalist, Founder of, and Dayenu advisory board member: “To face up to the biggest thing humans have ever done – heating the planet more than a degree – we need to pull the money lever to stop the fossil fuel industry. Dayenu’s All Our Might is putting our hand on that lever.”
A CALL TO BREAK FREE: Across North America, Dayenu leaders will lead rallies at the branches and offices of “The Schmutzy Sheva” (aka the Dirty Seven), the four banks and three asset managers that alone have trillions of dollars invested in fossil fuels: Coal, oil and gas.
Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, founder and CEO of Dayenu: “What is at stake this Passover is nothing less than whether life will continue l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. We call on banks and investors to choose life and leave behind coal, oil, and gas, and instead invest in clean energy, so that we may have a just and livable future for all people for generations to come.”
“On Passover, Jewish people recall the Exodus story and our biblical ancestors’ pursuit of freedom. Today, we call for freedom from fossil fuels and a clean energy future where everyone can thrive. We call on the financial institutions whose investments are exacerbating the climate crisis to break free from the Fossil Fuel Pharaohs.”
At each event, Dayenu leaders and partners will proclaim the plagues that Fossil Fuel Pharaohs – coal, oil and gas companies – have wreaked. They will raise matzah as a symbol of urgency, and demand that The Schmutzy Sheva ‘move their dough’ by leaving behind polluting fossil fuel projects and fulfilling their zero emissions commitments.
Dr. Dana R. Fisher, Contributing Author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Review IPCC, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland: “There is no question that citizen involvement in climate politics is crucial for pressuring governments and institutions to commit to real climate action (and actually follow through on their commitments). Dayenu’s All Our Might mobilization over the Passover holiday provides a wonderful opportunity for American Jews to turn up the pressure on financial institutions and hold them accountable for their part in the climate crisis.”
DAYENU, ENOUGH!: In the six years since the UN Paris Agreement was adopted, the world’s 60 largest private banks have poured USD $4.6 trillion into oil, gas, and coal companies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shown the political dangers of fossil fuel dependency. And record-setting storms, floods, fires, and drought demonstrate that we have no time to waste to transition from polluting fossil fuels to 100% clean renewable energy.
Judi Soloway, co-organizer of Portland, Oregon, All Our Might action: “We’re excited because this is our first action. But we know that by urging the Portland Chase branch to move their dough we can be part of systemic change. And it’s time to step up because it’s now or never.”
Gaby Cohen, co-organizer of Bay Area All Our Might action: “My generation is frustrated that people in power have not taken the necessary steps to confront the climate crisis. I will be heading to BlackRock during Passover because trillions of dollars of American money is still invested in fossil fuels, keeping us deeply committed to this murderous schmutzy infrastructure.
Eve Sackett, co-organizer of Denver All Our Might action: “We join together as Jews and allies to demonstrate in the heart of Downtown Denver. We seek to raise awareness across Colorado, and urge Wells Fargo to move their money from fossil fuels into clean energy. Our message is peaceful and positive, and echoes the Jewish people’s fight for freedom that Passover celebrates.
Max Klau, co-organizer of Boston All Our Might action: “Last fall we organized a Dayenu Hear the Call event that turned out people even in the pouring rain. Since then, we’ve seen our network of relationships grow, our ability to plan and organize strengthen, and commitment to this work deepen. We’re drawing on new partnerships and hard won experience to plan our first action of the All Our Might campaign at Chase Bank in downtown Boston. The struggle to move financing from fossil fuels to clean energy could be long; we know that we are just getting started!”